Unleash Your Inner Strength: 40-Minute Total Body Power Session (Low Impact) | Joanna Soh

By Jean Laguerre | Health & Fitness

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40-Minute Total Body Strength Training at Home (Low Impact, No Jumping)

This is a total body Traditional Strength Training workout. What does it mean? That means we will focus on building strength in one muscle group at a time. This is a great way to increase muscle mass and tone a specific area of the body.

This is not a fast pace workout nor is it high impact. This workout is low intensity and low impact, that means no jumping. It's suitable for ALL LEVELS, because you can adjust the weights according to your own fitness level. There will be a total of 3 circuits which will be split to lower body, upper body and core.

What you'll need is a pair of medium weight dumbbells (4 – 6kgs each) and a pair of light weight dumbbells (1 – 3kgs each). Let's lift and get strong!

CIRCUIT: 45 secs Work – 15 secs Rest (Repeat x2)
Workout Duration: 40 minutes
Estimated Calories Burned: 250 – 320 Calories

Circuit 1 (Lower Body)
1) Tempo Squats
2) Lunges
3) Booty Leg Sweep
4) Weighted Side Leg Raise

Circuit 2 (Upper Body)
1) Row & Reverse Fly
2) Alternating Arnold Press
3) Side & Front Raises
4) Tricep Kickbacks
5) Bridge Chest Fly
6) Push-up & Renegade Row

Circuit 3 (Core)
1) Full Crunches
2) Alternating Leg Raises
3) Spiderman Plank
4) Plank


Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohActive

I'm a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 10 years of experience.

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40-Minute Total Body Strength Training at Home (Low Impact, No Jumping)


About the Author

Hello there! I'm Jean Laguerre, a free-spirited soul who's overcome challenges. I'm here to share tips on weight loss, staying healthy, and living a fulfilling life. Let's connect with those seeking inner peace and a healthier life.

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