Calorie Inferno: Turbocharge Fat Burning with a 3KM Indoor Walk (Incinerate 450 Calories!) | Joanna Soh

By Jean Laguerre | Health & Fitness

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Yes, we're walking at home, but this workout is going to get your heart rate up and you'll be burning lots of calories and burn fat!! While filming this workout, I managed to hit 3.9km (2.5miles) and also burned 350Cals in 35 minutes. You'd be burning an average of 300 – 450 calories depending on your speed of walking and also body composition. This workout also low impact and beginner friendly. Perfect for anybody to get started from home!

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3KM Fat Burning Indoor Walk (Burn Lots of Calories!!) | Joanna Soh
Sequence: 45 secs Work – 15 secs Rest
Estimated Calories Burned: 300 – 450Cals

1) March on the Spot
2) Side Step – Shoulder Tap
3) High Knee Cross
4) Heel Tap
5) Wide Step Forward
6) Skater
7) Side Leg Raise
8) Power Walk
9) Leg Curl – High Arm Pulldown
10) Double Side Step – Chest Fly
11) Knee Driver (L)
12) Knee Driver (R)
13) Front Kick
14) Side Tap
15) Double Knee Crunch
16) Step Punch

Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohActive

I'm a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 10 years of experience.

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3KM Fat Burning Indoor Walk (Burn Lots of Calories!!) | Joanna Soh


About the Author

Hello there! I'm Jean Laguerre, a free-spirited soul who's overcome challenges. I'm here to share tips on weight loss, staying healthy, and living a fulfilling life. Let's connect with those seeking inner peace and a healthier life.

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