Weight loss: guys vs girls – it’s so unfair!

By | Health & Fitness

I definitely know from experience how hard it can be putting in sooo much time and effort into exercising to lose weight and build muscle, only to come out with little to no results. And when I see the guys around me doing the same thing I am, and getting results so much faster than I am, while eating whatever they want – I just feel I am doing something wrong! I know I'm not, but it feel so unfair!

It turns out that there is actually science behind WHY this is the case! If you stick with me, I promise that by the end of this video, you will have a new found respect and love for your own beautiful body and a perspective shift that will help carry you through the hard times on your own fitness journey.

Today's featured letter:

Dear Cassey, I have taken to committing to my health both mentally and physically. I definitely feel guilty about one cheat meal or snack even though 90% of my diet is healthy. The problem is my partner can eat whatever he wants and he never seems to have a problem with weight. He puts on 5 pounds he loses 12, it’s so frustrating when I am fighting tooth and nail for the 1lb mark. And his diet won’t be as healthy as mine, and his mindset is, I can eat what I want when I want and burn it off later. What can I do so that I don’t resent him, and also so that I’m not so hard on myself?

#fitness #exercise #weightloss

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Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. As the creator behind Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube, she’s transformed millions of lives through helping them achieve their strength and weight-loss goals. She focuses on making fitness fun and the results are evident. Cassey's unique format, POP Pilates©, which launched as a workout video on YouTube in 2009, has become a live fitness class that can be taken at gyms all over the world with over 3,000 POP Pilates classes being taught monthly. Her authenticity continues to shine through, making her one of the most relatable fitness icons online and beyond. She's also the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and is the designer of her own activewear line, POPFLEX.

With a wide range of free workout videos available, Cassey's channel focuses on ab exercises, butt & thigh exercises, arm exercises, pilates, cardio routines, fat burning workouts, high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), stretching and flexibility routines and so much more!


Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Blogilates' and oGorgeous Inc.'s negligence.

About the Author

  • Hall Family says:

    I just went of birth control be ause I know that my higher androgen levels are what kept me healthier before I started it. I just don’t want to have painful periods and acne

    • T G says:

      @Hall Family If you’re cramping and looking for remedies, using a heating pad along with tea (chamomile, ginger, rosemary, lavender) and essential oils (lavender, rosemary, ginger, rose) helps. I get bad cramps, so I just make strong ginger tea to make them go away. I also noticed that avoiding dairy and sugar and meat seemed to help. That in itself almost made the cramps go away.

    • Hall Family says:

      @T G please do not try and play holistic pseudoscience pretend doctor with me. I am a vegan so that rules out your theories. Also tea and a heating pad aren’t gonna treat my static hormonal acne and my heavy periods that make me black out. Prescription drugs by a physician will.

    • Tina M says:

      @Julie Guillermet Lol, abstinence is not working. Because … humans …

    • T G says:

      @Hall Family So you don’t have any menstrual problems now? Did your doctor get rid of it for you? Also, acne is a sign of toxicity (which are prevalent in prescription medications) so if you still suffer from it your doctor hasn’t fixed the problem if you’re still having issues (including mood swings). Just to note, being vegan doesn’t make you healthy unless you’re on a plant-based diet and meeting all of your micro nutrient needs with a strong immune system (some vegans might cut out meat and dairy, which is amazing in terms of health benefits, but overindulge in sugar and refined carbs which is detrimental). I am vegetarian myself (did vegan for a while) and know about how beneficial it is to avoid acidic foods such as meat and dairy, so you’re on the right track. Good job! If you still have acne drinking ginger tea may help (it did wonders for me). Btw, I don’t claim to be a doctor, that was your assumption.

    • Hall Family says:

      @T G if you aren’t doctor don’t give bullshit medical advice. Non of your claims are backed by any scientific studies. Acne is not a sign of toxicity idiots like you throw around the word toxic like they its beads on Mardigras. Our livers are perfectly capable of dealing filtering “toxins”. What the hell do you even define as a toxin? Vitamin A which is found in spinach is also toxic at high levels. Is eating spinach toxic? By your dumb theory every teenager is just ingesting loads of toxins??? Or maybe the common denominator shown by science is hormones causing the acne due to high androgen levels increasing sebum production and causing acne. It’s almost like taking birth control fixed my acne because it was A HORMONAL TREATMENT. Why don’t you just go back to the idea of balancing the four humors like in the medieval times if you are just going to ignore science. Yeah my birth control got helped stop my acne and my period problems, but because it increases my estrogen and lowers my androgen it can also cause my metabolism to change. Hence why men tend to have a lower body fat percentage than women. Jesus christ do is all a favor and become and educated citizen. Take a biology class damn.

  • i love to draw girl says:

    I feel safe with Casey. She always has pretty great advice and makes my day better

  • Hiba M says:

    Genetics and hormones are so unfair 😭😭💔

    • Peach Dumpling says:

      And being on birth control makes it even harder 🙃

    • Solar Wind says:

      @Peach Dumpling Well, I lost three kilos on birth control during quarantine because I worked out a lot in order to be able to focus on studying the rest of the day, but ate too little food. I would often just eat 2 meals instead of 3 while working out a lot. Now I’m 2kg underweight, and I’m scared of losing more weight. The thing is that with being home all day I have to make all my meals myself, and I’m often too lazy for that and just snack a bit, instead of having a big meal. I want to switch to hormone free contraception, but I’m scared that I’ll lose weight even easier. I kinda wish I’d still live with my parents, just for the cooked meals.

    • A C says:

      Birth control is so bad…watch the bleeding edge on Netflix please

    • Biff says:

      So unfair that we weren’t all born men 🙄🙄

    • Less Is More says:

      I agree because you CANT control them😡

  • Amy McDonald says:

    I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS AH! You read my mind Cassie

  • Chillin' with Rachel 💛 says:

    Whoever sees this: you are beautiful and smart! Don’t let anyone bring you down!!💖💛

    Love from a positive u- tuber 💗

  • Asia S. says:

    This title hit me right in the feels. Lmao.

  • Peach Dumpling says:

    Nah but that’s the thing, my guy friend doesn’t get ittttt. He’s a boxer and eats whatever and he tries to feed me whatever but I’m not training and my metabolism is poop😭

    • sarburrito says:

      Ahhh yeah that’s hard! My bf definitely isn’t a boxer but he doesn’t gain weight as easily as I do (even when I’m working out and he’s not). He’s always like “have some salami! want some cheese? I’m gonna eat a carton of this full fat double chocolate chocolate chip brownie swirl cookie dough ice cream, want some?” And I’m like I want to but I CAN’T!

  • Victoria Gregoire says:

    I honestly have always struggled with food in a way because I always felt really bad when I ate something I shouldn’t have especially on my birthday. My body was at its peak at 20 I’m getting there now and can see my abs but I still feel like I can look so much better. This made me feel better

  • Young At Any Age says:

    Excellent video! We are both in our 80’s and feel better than ever!  We are all about healthy aging.  For us eating a whole-food plant-based diet was the key to our reversing life-threatening illnesses.  Now we eat this way for disease prevention and weight management.  We are doing research for our new healthy-aging advice YT channel to inspire others. Learned a lot here!  Thank you.

  • Lucy says:

    I was literally thinking about this earlier today. It’s so unfair, and then men have the audacity to say it’s easier for women to get fit.
    I’m stuck at a plateau right now and I’m struggling to lose even 1kg in 3 weeks and it’s so frustrating when I’m working so hard

  • Karina says:

    Such great advice! I agree it’s totally about our own personal journey but there’s nothing wrong with having someone right there with you! 🙂

  • B.Champagne says:

    Yep. I’ve been working out for a month and have lost 3 lbs. My husband started working out with me 1 week ago and he’s lost 3 lbs. I was frustrated. I’m just sticking with it for myself and trying not to compare. My body knows I’m working and I feel good doing it, so that’s all I’m focusing on.🥰

  • MädchenAusDemMeer says:

    The thing I realised after years of weight fluctuation is, that the longer it takes to achieve your goal, the more sustainable becomes your weight. The habits you create in a year of weightloss/workouts, will be a lifestyle change, not a diet for a few months. Be patient and trust in the long process, because you won’t fall back if you take time!

  • Carío K says:

    I’m a guatemalan nutritionist and I see this in clinic every single day!! We should focus in our own results instead comparing to other people, even our partner. The key is keep going for the everyday good feeling!! 🤸🏻‍♀️⛹🏻‍♀️

    • Less Is More says:

      That’s true. Comparison sucks out joy. But we cant get upset if someone happens to have a fitness goal that coincidentally matches a male. We just have good taste

  • Veilfire says:

    Oh yes, my boyfriend eats junk and stays skinny as a stick while for me having one cookie throws off my entire diet plan 😭

  • AlcideIzMine says:

    Hormones can be rough, man. Being on birth control caused me major abdominal bloating, but being off birth control caused water retention with PMS.

  • kiwi schulz says:

    Hi Cassie!
    I’m a student, and ever since COVID and online learning started, I’ve been snacking and going to my pantry/fridge a lot more frequently than I ever have before. Most of the time, I don’t even feel hungry, but have the urge to eat. I’m healthy most of the time, but when it comes to snacking, I feel like it all goes out the window! Why is this happening and how do I stop?
    From, foody

    • Tina M says:

      Not buying food that’s easy to snack on helps. You can’t eat what’s not there. And then every time you have that urge, drink a glass of water, and wait only 10 minutes to see if the urge is not there (you don’t need to drink the water if you don’t want, but just to avoid that it’s actually thirst you are experiencing).

  • Nicole B says:

    My husband: exists. Loses 10 pounds in 6 months.
    Me: calorie deficit and exercise 5x a week. Loses .5 lbs in 6 months.
    (I am exaggerating slightly but not much.) 😫😭

    • Harini Sudhakar says:

      No that’s absolutely correct. Same for my brother. He just gave up eating biscuits and he lost 4 kgs in a few months. I went calorie deficit, diet and workout every single day for 3 months to lose 4kgs

    • oppons luck says:

      @Harini Sudhakar uff. Same with me. He has lost 8 kgs, in the last 4 months. I lost only 4 and gained two of them back in the last month 😭.

  • Katheryn Thompson says:

    Years ago, my husband and I hiked the Grand Canyon. We walked the same distance and carried the same weight. He lost 10 lbs. I lost less than one pound. BUT, I recovered much faster I was fully recovered in 48 hours,, it took him a week. That is how women are stronger. Historically, women are more likely to survive famines and plagues. The species survival depends on women, so our bodies are built for resilience and survival. That means, work and diet don’t tear us apart as quickly. Yes there is a downside, we can’t weight as easily. But, we survive better.

    • Paige Here says:

      This makes me feel a bit better about myself because men have like a biological advantage in almost everything and it annoys me I can never be at par with that

  • Hazy Does says:

    is it weird that i teared up? like in a good way. ive been trying to lose my last 13-15 lbs for a long time and ive just given up because i havent been budging. i needed to see this video to get me remotivated

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