Why Asians Are Slimmer (9 Weight Loss Tips) | Joanna Soh

By Jean Laguerre | Health & Fitness

SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! "You're Asian, that's why you're skinny." I get that a lot! So I thought I'd look into the CORE PRINCIPLES of an ASIAN DIET to learn WHY we are "naturally" slimmer.

Of course, NOT all Asians are slim. I believe that it truly comes down to our lifestyle and also food intake. Watch this video through. I hope you'll find the tips here useful and you can start to implement some of these tips into your life. What are tips do you practice to stay healthy? Let me know in the comments below.

Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).


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9 Reasons Why Asians Are Slimmer
1) We choose tea or water over soft drinks
2) We eat smaller portions and we use chopsticks
3) We enjoy REAL food, not processed food
4) We eat on time
5) We take our meal time seriously
6) We enjoy soups
7) We enjoy more fermented food
8) Our desserts are nutritious
9) We use food as medicine

More useful videos to guide you through your fitness journey:

Why I Eat White Rice

Healthy Chinese Takeaway (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

28-Day Soup Detox Cleanse for Weight Loss

5 Must Eat Food for a Flat Belly (Healthy Digestion)

Low Calorie Vegan Ice Cream

3 DIY Asian Detox Herbal Tea

Green Tea: Secret to Flat Belly, Youthful Skin & More


About the Author

Hello there! I'm Jean Laguerre, a free-spirited soul who's overcome challenges. I'm here to share tips on weight loss, staying healthy, and living a fulfilling life. Let's connect with those seeking inner peace and a healthier life.

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