Fertility Mix-Up Nightmare: “My Son Was Born to Another Woman”

By | Health & Fitness

The biological parents of one of the twin babies accidentally born through IVF to another woman share how they’re coping with the fertility clinic screw-up.

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  • Artist World says:

    The first baby, yeah.

  • ZOOM IN ASMR says:

    Oh my God.. 🙁

  • Gurudra - Emotional Health & Mental Wellness says:

    The moment a child is born, the mother is born too , that woman existed but the mother is completely new )

  • MsRichGrl says:

    Well at least she has her child and got him at 6 weeks. I feel for the women who carried both babies and then lost “twice”

  • Lisa Holloway says:

    Wow. That it is crazy

  • Celestial Star says:

    It hurts everyone involved. Hope those workers in such industry can be more responsible doing their work as it doesn’t only cost life of a newborn but also the affected family members.

  • Teenie says:

    gosh imagine how the OTHER women feels after carrying twins for 9 months and then walking away with nothing. this lady should have way more sympathy

  • Vanessa Richard says:

    Oh my god! If that will happen to my embryos I will sue the fertility clinic & ivf doctors.
    Thank God my husband is a lawyer, no problemo.
    I hope she will get her son back.

  • RW Fraley says:

    I didn’t turn into ours shows to get updates like this if it keeps going I’m going bye-bye

  • Anthony Kence says:

    What a mess

  • Christy Woods says:

    Did the other couple get their child back to?

  • Christy Woods says:

    This has actually happened many many times in the US and UK and other places as well.Australia also

  • Christy Woods says:

    Cant they sue the fertility clinic?!?


    That would make it not her son

  • barb frontczak says:

    Omg I can’t imagine what all the parties involved are going threw!

  • Theresa Kleven says:

    I hope she gets the therapy she needs. Yes, it was horrible, but she has her son now. Dont let this define your life.

  • Milly Day says:

    Lol. OMG! ? Accountability? People in serious positions not being responsible!!! Disgusting! Let’s keep playing with people’s lives! Grrr

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