Discover how a weight loss problem solve can help you save your life and rebuild your confidence.

By Jean Laguerre | Health & Fitness

A Hull woman discovered she had a life-threatening blood clot after losing an incredible 15 stones in weight.

For years Lauren Munro, 34, had suffered with chest pains which she, her family and friends put down to her being heavily obese.

Weighing in at over 25st, Miss Munroe had always struggled with her weight but in just over one year, she is now a healthy size 10.

But it was not until Miss Munro started losing the weight through the Cambridge Weight Plan, that she realized the chest pains were potentially something much more sinister.

Miss Munro, who at her heaviest tipped the scales at 25st 10lbs, said: “Before losing weight, everyone said I was having chest pains because I was so big.

“At times I had to sleep sitting up because of the pain and it was one of my main reasons for starting the diet because that’s what I had put the pain down to.

“But even when I had lost eight stone, the pains were still there and then I started to cough up blood. I knew I needed to go to the doctors.”

Tests revealed Miss Munro, from east Hull, had a pulmonary embolism in her left lung. She was put on blood thinning tablets immediately.

Having always struggled with her weight, Miss Munro was in adult-sized clothing when she was at secondary school and as the years went on it just got worse.

Miss Munro, of east Hull, came across the Cambridge Weight Plan through word of mouth and decided to embark on the plan in January 2016.

She followed the plan, which involves consuming low-calorie soups and snacks, with eating a healthy balanced diet, until June when she was given her diagnosis.

Nearly a year on she has managed to keep the weight off and is a healthy size 10/12.
She said: “You’ve still got to live your life and enjoy yourself.

Miss Munro says her new look has given her confidence both at work and at home.
“People I work with can see how much more confident I am,” she said.

I like her history and imagine this could be any of us history too.And I understand for sure no one may enjoy life and an outstanding success without good health.

So let’s try to master and control all our wrong habits now, to stay healthy, and live a wonderful life.

I hope you enjoy it.


Jean Laguerre.



About the Author

Hello there! I'm Jean Laguerre, a free-spirited soul who's overcome challenges. I'm here to share tips on weight loss, staying healthy, and living a fulfilling life. Let's connect with those seeking inner peace and a healthier life.

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